Our Geological Services

Exploration Management
Exploration Management
Aurum’s exploration geologists and support teams of technicians, GIS professionals and administrative staff, working under our experienced exploration managers, are able to provide comprehensive support to your needs in the planning, management and execution of your mineral project.

Geological Services
Geological Services
Aurum’s core business is the delivery of contract field exploration and geological services to clients through all critical stages. The company provides experienced geologist and field technicians at all levels, enabling a smooth integration with your exploration programmes, as required.

Target Generation
Target Generation
Aurum excels in target generation studies for clients’ existing exploration projects. We have a successful track-record in conceptualizing new exploration targets for inclusion in custom exploration property portfolios. Our clients include exploration and mining companies themselves, as well as investors.

GIS Services
GIS Services
We offer a complete data service to our clients, from legacy data assessments, data capture, appropriate quality assured/quality controlled (QA/QC) data verification, to integration into a coherent and validated spatial database.

Petrographic Services
Petrographic Services
We offer a complete service to determine the mineralogy of your samples, ranging from rock forming silicate, alteration minerals, to ore-forming sulphides and oxides, and diamond indicator minerals.

Resource Estimation
Resource Estimation
Aurum has a team of highly qualified and experienced geologists who are expert at auditing exploration projects and providing independent evaluations of a resource.

Geophysical Surveying
Geophysical Surveying
Aurum offer a full in-house solution for various geophysical survey for various exploration programmes, from conception and planning to interpretation and presentation.

Exploration Project Auditing
Exploration Project Auditing
Aurum has a team of highly qualified and experienced geologists who are expert at auditing exploration projects and providing independent evaluations for projects.

Project Generation
Project Generation
Aurum has evolved as an innovative, driven and successful project generator for battery metals, zinc-lead, copper-nickel and gold. Since 2005, Aurum has demonstrated history of working conceptual and greenfield exploration concepts from desktop to drilling for exploration-mining companies, royalty groups and private start-up ventures across a wide commodity spectrum.
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Exploration Management
Aurum plan, manage and execute entire exploration projects
Aurum’s exploration geologists and support teams of technicians, GIS professionals and administrative staff, working under our experienced exploration managers, are able to provide comprehensive support to your needs in the planning, management and execution of your mineral project.
We will generate and test exploration targets, always adhering to current best practices in health and safety and environmental management, while ensuring that all exploration work is undertaken and completed in compliance with international reporting codes such as JORC, NI 43-101 and PERC.
Our mineral exploration management services include:
- Exploration planning, implementation and project management
- Permit and licence acquisition and management
- Data capture, management and reporting
- Desk studies and technical report writing
- Exploration drilling management
- Creation and implementation of drilling programmes
- Core logging, mapping and sampling
- Logistics
- Training of geologists and geological technicians
For further information contact us.
Geological Services And Technical Field Services
Aurum provides comprehensive geological services and field exploration services
Aurum’s core business is the delivery of contract field exploration services to clients through all critical stages. The company provides experienced geologist and field technicians at all levels, enabling a smooth integration with your exploration programmes, as required.
- Reconnaissance and detailed geological mapping
- Soil sampling
- Drilling supervision
- Core logging and sampling programmes
- Prospecting and litho geochemical sampling
- Water sampling(lake, well or river)
- Stream sediment sampling and gold panning
- Micropaleontological sampling
- Ground electromagnetic mapping and magnetic surveys
- Ground penetrating radar
- Airborne geophysical survey logistics
Aurum is experienced in mine, near-mine and grassroots exploration as well as target generation. The company has a number of associate specialists in structural geology, remote sensing and geophysical interpretation available for collaboration on specific projects.
For further information contact Vaughan.
Target Generation
Aurum conducts target generation for your commodity and jurisdiction preferences
Aurum excels in target generation studies for clients’ existing exploration projects. We have a successful track-record in conceptualizing new exploration targets for inclusion in custom exploration property portfolios. Our clients include exploration and mining companies themselves, as well as investors.
- Target generation and exploration modelling
- Conceptual targeting
- Commodity or country specific targeting
- Country or regional metallogeny
- Ground truthing and staking
- Target report and work programme recommendations
Our work focuses on the full comprehension and summarising of the geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest. Through subsequent data capture we build databases of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information.
Iterative processing and synthesis of these data form the basis of target generation studies for the commodities of interest, into suitable mineralizing systems/models. Recommendations for further work include the protection of prospective ground under relevant licensing procedures, and/or applications for exploration licenses for specific target areas.
Aurum representatives are available to discuss the needs of any type of exploration project requirement.
For further information contact Sandy.
GIS Services
Aurum’s Geographical Information System (GIS) and data capture services can help you unlock the potential of both new and dormant spatial data
We offer a complete data service to our clients, from legacy data assessments, data capture, appropriate quality assured/quality controlled (QA/QC) data verification, to integration into a coherent and validated spatial database.
- Scanning and digitization of map data
- Tabular and text data input
- Creation and maintenance of verified map, drilling and sampling databases
- Compilation, integration and refinement of data from various sources into a single data product
- Quality Control
- Processing of data using GIS techniques and geological software, including MapInfo Professional, ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS
- Map, plan and section generation and plotting utilising MapInfo Professional, Datamine StudioRM and Leapfrog GEO
All data projects are managed and conducted by experienced economic geologists. They are fully trained in the application of computer technology to mineral exploration, to ensure highest quality data analysis for improved target generation and exploration design.
For further information contact Steven.
Petrographic Services
We offer a complete service to determine the mineralogy of your samples, ranging from rock forming silicate, alteration minerals, to ore-forming sulphides and oxides, and diamond indicator minerals. Using state of the art equipment Aurum is able to provide detailed mineral identification, petrographic and analytical reports by qualified geologists that can be used in JORC, NI 43-101, and PERC reports.
Petrographic descriptions (both transmitted and reflected light) include a full mineralogical report, with modal abundances, textures and paragenesis, and labeled photomicrographs; where necessary, mineralogical studies may be supplemented by SEM imaging and/or EMP analyses.
Petrographic Services include:
- Lithological, alteration, and ore mineral identification
- Paragenetic and textural relationships
- Transmitted and reflected light petrography
- Scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis
- Kimberlite indicator mineral analysis
- Fluid inclusion studies
- Cathodoluminescence microscopy
- Custom petrographic, mineralogical, and geometallurgical studies
For additional information please contact Sandy.
Resource Estimation
Aurum has a team of highly qualified and experienced geologists who are expert at auditing exploration projects and providing independent evaluations of a resource
We can deliver:
- Independent review and auditing of mineral exploration projects
- Mineral exploration programme management
- Database verification
- Review of sampling, assay procedures and chain of custody
- Design and implementation of project specific QA/QC procedures
- Independent monitoring of QA/QC results
- Geological/ore deposit modelling
- Mineral resource modelling and estimation. Software packages include Datamine StudioRM, Leapfrog GEO and EDGE, MapInfo and ArcGIS with ability to integrate 2D and 3D datasets
- Independent competent person reports (JORC, NI 43-101, PERC codes)
- Recommendations for future drill and mining programmes
- Design and construction of high-quality reports and presentations
Aurum representatives are available to discuss requirements for any type of exploration project.
For further information contact us.
Geophysical Surveying
Aurum offer a full in-house solution for various geophysical survey for various exploration programmes, from conception and planning to interpretation and presentation. Aurum will be able to design and advise on suitable surveys for many styles of mineral systems.
Our geophysical services include:
- Gravity
- Ground Magnetics
- Induced Polarization (IP)
- Ground electromagnetics (EM)
- Ground MT (MT)
- Magnetic Susceptibility
For further information please contact Graham.
Exploration Project Auditing
Aurum has a team of highly qualified and experienced geologists who are expert at auditing exploration projects and providing independent evaluations for projects.
We can deliver:
- Independent review and auditing of mineral exploration projects
- Mineral exploration programme management
- Database verification
- Review of sampling, assay procedures and chain of custody
- Design and implementation of project specific QA/QC procedures
- Independent monitoring of QA/QC results
- Independent competent person reports (JORC, NI 43-101, PERC codes)
For additional information please contact Sandy.
Project Generation
Aurum offers has evolved as an innovative, driven and successful project generator for battery metals, zinc-lead, copper-nickel and gold.
As a project generator, Aurum continues developing a portfolio of projects via independent generative work and also through existing and new cooperative partnerships.
Project generator services focus on:
- Developing strong geological concepts and greenfield exploration concepts from desktop to drilling for exploration-mining companies
- Private start-up ventures across a wide commodity spectrum
- Permit and licence acquisition and management
- Royalty groups and Option agreement with a Partner
- Full comprehension and summary of the geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest
- Database development of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information
- Data processing related studies
- Recommendations for further work include the protection of prospective ground under relevant licensing procedures, and/or applications for exploration licences for specific target areas
For further information please contact Wilson.
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